
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

An Overview and Thoughts on Game-Based Learning

Photo Provided By: Center4EduPunx
My blogging research assignment on game-based learning has been very eye-opening.  It was interesting to research the use and effectiveness of game-based learning in the school, military and industrial settings. 
Being a digital native, I was very aware of the use of gaming as a learning tool in a school setting.  I have to agree with Bill Gate's assessment that game-based learning will be the future of education. I fully expect that my future children will have a much greater technology-based education than I had.  Students are so very motivated by learning through technology.  It provides a safe setting to learn and make mistakes, as well as instant rewards and feedback and remediation.  It was interesting to research recommended games and to find out that there are a wide range of learning games that can be used for experiences as basic as preschoolers learning colors, numbers and letters to medical school students learning the intricacies of human anatomy.
Photo Provided By: Paolo.Pace
       I was probably most shocked to find out that the US Military is the largest purchaser of game-based learning technology. Their use of game-based learning makes real sense considering that the majority of their new recruits are digital natives and already quite used to game-based technology. They have programs like "America's Army", that is used as a recruiting tool and programs that teach nearly every job that is done in a military setting.  They also save a great deal of money, lives, and equipment by using simulators to teach the use of equipment, vehicles, and weaponry.  This makes a lot of sense and keeps highly expensive machinery from being damaged during practice.
Photo Provided By: pheaber
   I knew that game-based learning was used in industry, but was unaware of the extensiveness of its usage.  Game based learning can teach everything from job skills, the use of equipment and machinery, customer service techniques to the proper serving size of products.  The better educated workers are about all aspects of the company that they work for the more money a company makes and saves. Additionally, I found that the use of simulators in the medical community quite fascinating.  It’s good to know that doctors, nurses, and dentists have a safe place to practice their skills before they use them on me!
       Overall, this study on the use and effectiveness of game-based learning has shown me that in all areas game-based learning provides a motivational, safe realm for effective learning that provides essential practice and feedback.  Schools, the military, and industry are destined to keep game-based education as a tool of their teaching and training for a long, long time.

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